Helping brokers secure equipment and soft asset finance for over 50 years.

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You’ll know that this isn’t always straight-forward. Maybe it’s the type of equipment, their unique location, or it’s their balance sheets. Perhaps because they’re a start up. No matter the reason, Armada has the experience and expertise needed to get the deal done.

Everything under the sun

Well, not quite. But we have helped many brokers secure funding for assets mainstream funders won’t consider. We’re happy to accept proposals between £2,000 and £250,000. So, don’t think it’s too intangible for us.

We’ll consider a wide range of assets.

Proud to be eclectic

We’ve worked with a dizzying number of business sectors. That’s why we’re so confident that we can help with your proposal. Leisure and hospitality, offices and shop fit-outs, intangible and unique.

Over the years we’ve funded it all.

How we help your clients

We see ourselves as a catalyst for progress because we help businesses achieve their goals. Too often start ups, SMEs and unique businesses find little financial support. We change all that. We're specialists in providing solutions that others overlook.

Human to the core

We understand the unique challenges faced by your client. We're independent and free from the constraints of credit scores and automation. Instead our human underwriters focus on the potential of your client, and the value of their proposition.

Our knowledge, experience and processes means we can secure funding quickly. You will typically get an answer the same day. Speed and service are among our core principles.
David Drewett, Managing Director

Have a question for us?

For help with an existing finance agreement use our form or call on 01392 879599 and speak to our friendly staff. Please note, financing is only available through our broker network.